Sunday, 18 December 2011
Me and my brother Breck are still praying about hitting the Colombia side of the Darien once the whole team actually gets into Colombia. which is a process in itself!
As you may have realized we are still in Panama. But God has given an amazing house to stay in as opposed to sleeping on pews and on the floor of a church far away from everything. The house is owned by a family who has a surfing ministry and built a house for surfers to come and stay and be ministered to. The house is so nice! Hot water, Wifi, Beds, ping-pong table, and a big kitchen. We feel so so so blessed as we wait for God to open a door for us to get to Colombia. Which has been a huge process.
I don't have time right now, but I will update you soon on all the incredibly amazing things God has been doing here! SO many healings and just amazing things!
Please keep me and my team family in your prayers through the Holidays as we are all missing our families, but finding community with each other!
Hope you all have amazing Holidays and I miss you all so much! Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!
LOve and many blessings,
Rachael Michelle
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Hello Friends and Family,
Sitting down and writing this blog seems to be a huge task. I am not sure what the last thing I actually wrote was, but I am sure it was while I was still in Nicaragua which seems forever ago. I have gotten to where I never know the actual day of the week they all just seem to run together.
The team and I left for Costa Rica (I wish I could tell you the date). We had a contact, but non of us felt the call to go there. Because of that we had no where to stay. For 3 days and 4 nights we stayed on Playa De Coco (Coco Beach). It was very beautiful even though we had no running water (other than the ocean), no electricity, and no toilet. SO we made one. A tarp and tree and a shovel that's all you need. The camp fires ever night and the cool breeze made it that much better. However I could have done without the tourist trap just around the corner making food buying so expensive! Also we learned about the 2nd day in we were staying in one of the most dangerous places on the beach. 3 of our team members who were staying in one of the pop ups got a lot of valuable and necessary things stolen from them (computers, hard drives pictures, cameras, toiletries $2,000.00 worth of stuff between 3 people). It was all really difficult, but God gave them grace through through it. While in Costa Rica we stayed in another tourist area on the coast for one night because we left to late to make it to the border for Panama. We didn't do to much ministry while in Costa Rica besides the occasional person on the street, but I believe God gave the team and I that time to rest because we have a lot in store for us in Panama and in Colombia.
On thing I have been learning while on this trip is how God wants so much to partner with us opposed to just telling us what to do. While in the car one a driving day (which is where we are literally driving all day, hence the name) my car was listening to a message from Chris Valatton. At one point in the message Chris says something that God was saying to him and it struck me really hard. Jesus Said to him “what kind of friend would I be if we only did what I wanted to do.” When I heard that I had to quickly repent for the way I had been praying because I had been praying as if I was a slave not a friend of Jesus. Really striving when I prayed begging God to tell me what to do. When He already said go to Latin America and I said yes now He wants to partner with me and the team and some amazing things! That was a really cool nugget to receive.
The Panama border was hectic and crazy I think in total we were there about 7 hours waiting in line for our stamp in the passport, trying to get the cars insured, and inspected. Finally we made it though and hit the road again stopping for food and potting every once in a while. Trying to make it the whole 10hrs Just to put you into perspective what would normally take 7 hours takes us 10 because we are a huge caravan of cars and trailers) to the YWAM base in Panama City where we are staying. Needless to say New wine (our van camper) Broke down and we had to tow (and when I say tow I mean a rope hooked up to one of our other cars) it to the closest hotel we could find. The manager of the hotel we found was so sweet! He gave us and entire section of parking to let us set up camp and we only had to buy one room. The room was awesome and there was Hot water in the shower which was amazing! The hotel was beautiful and the food in the restaurant was great! The next morning We got all the cars fixed and headed to Panama city! We only got 2 flat tires along the way. We arrive at the YWAM base and we are sleeping in a church and the directors of this base are so nice and have so anticipated our arrival. I am so excited to see what God has in store for us here! It is just one of those places you can feel in the atmosphere God moving.
Where we are staying in Panama City is literally Is really cool it is literally about 50 feet from the Panama Canal. The YWAM base doesn't actually have a base yet, so we are sleeping on the floor in a little church. The past couple of days here have been amazing! Yesterday we went to one of the worst ghetto neighborhoods here in the city and God really showed up in one of the apartment buildings. There were about 30 kids we got to bless and play with. As well as a woman who has been in a wheel-chair for a year not able to walk without people holding her up got up and walked around the entire room by herself! She was crying and so was everyone else! Praise Jesus He is good! We held a service today and God really blessed a lot of the people. Later on in the week we will be ministering in mental hospitals, prisons, aids houses, and going and living with an indigenous tribe for a night!
Community living with the team for the most part has been very smooth and there isn't much conflict at all. We are like one huge family and we work as a unit. Anytime someone is down we pray for them anytime someone has a need people try and fill it. It is amazing how God can appoint 22 people (from 6 different nations so far) for something and they all come together, as diverse and I mean diverse as we are, and function as a unit. By no means at all is our family perfect, but everyone at least tries and has a learning spirit. I am so thankful for the amazing brothers and sisters He has given me. While driving we have walky-talkies to make communication easier between vehicles and every hour we switch off interceding for the team and the places we are going. It really is amazing how we all function together so well. I can honestly say every person on this team is needed in one way or another.
We plan to leave Panama within 4 or 5 days where we will be shipping ourselves and our vehicles across the Panama Canal into Colombia. Where we will be for a month (at least that is what I heard at one point, but everything changes constantly so no one ever knows what is happening).
Well I am not sure when I will have internet again! I hope everyone has amazing holiday times. I miss you all so much! Thank you to everyone who has been praying for me and supporting me! Please keep me and the team in your prayers! We really need all the prayer we can get. There is Continual opposition! But our God is Greater!
Much love and Many Blessings,
Rachael Michelle Singleton
P.S. Sorry I am being so bad about pictures! I had some up, but I am not sure if anyone else can see them? However, they are on facebook! At least ones from Nicaragua!
Thursday, 1 December 2011
The Transition.
Dear Friends and Family
I have been with my Iris group almost a week. We are still in Nicaragua because one of our Rv's is getting its transmission fixed. We should be leaving first thing Friday morning. Susie and I moved out of the La Quinta base two nights ago (Tuesday Night) because we thought we were leaving Wednesday morning. It was a very difficult night. Having to say goodbye to all the kids, my friends, my house mama, Juanita. My heart still hurts for this place. However, I know God has so much more in store and He has told me that when it is time I can have any nation I want. He is such a good Daddy.
Emerging into team life has not been the easiest. There are so many of us and so many different ideas of what needs to happen that it all gets crazy at times. Almost like a giant game of telephone. Something gets said then gets passed through the group by the time it gets to the end it is very different from the original need or idea. Costa Rica is up next Then following is Panama where we will be crossing the Panama Canal. I am not sure what God has in store. The living situation is not so bad. Very crammed, but there is grace for everything. It will only make us closer in the end. The people in the group are amazing. So many different types of people with the most amazing gifts. God truly had his hand on appointing each person in this group. Sometimes I just sit and think about where I am in the world and what I am doing and How amazing God is that He chose me for this moment. I am so humbled and honored to be His daughter.
We Lost Valued members this week Serena, Victor, and Maria. They are being called to other places for the time! I am sad they are gone, but am so proud they are following the spirit!
I had a bit of a bad yesterday, only I am not sure why. I was on a beach with amazing people bouldering on some of the sweetest boulders right next to the ocean. But a church service at the Nueva Vida (another base within Mateo 5:16. Where the team has made camp) was going on and all I could think about the whole time was how badly I wanted to be here to see all my friends. It has been a very difficult last couple of days for me. I am ready to move on but the car issues are prolonging us being here. I am not sure what God is doing. Also having the team here as been hard on the ministry because they had such high expectations for us as a team that are not in line with what God has told us to do. I tried explaining this to Lynne and Glen, but I am not sure how it was received. I also believe that is partly why God sent me here ahead of the team. So have more time to convey the heart of Iris. So the ministry would not be left calloused toward Iris. I talked to some of the team members and they say it has been happening with almost all the contacts they have meet. The contacts have there own agenda and expectations for the team and that is not what God has guided us to do. So the contacts are left with a sour taste in there mouth. Please be praying for every contact we have from now on that they understand the heart of this trip and the heart of the team. Also be praying that our team is hearing correctly and only doing where Holy spirit leads! I hope all of you are well and are having great Holiday times with your family. Don't forget about me. I am really missing my family lately. I just hope I can get to where This team is family enough so I feel more part of the group. I love you all Please keep praying. And I pray blessings 100 fold back onto you! Thank you for all your support. I love you all!
-Rachael Michelle
Monday, 28 November 2011
A Very Rough Update!
Hola Family! Just for warning you this is going to be a very quick and rough blog.
Also there are dome photos on facebook under Nicaragua Album!
The team arrived 2 days ago. I didn't know what my emotions would be when they got here, but I was actually extremely excited and to my surprise felt I was ready to leave! I had prayed earlier in the week that if I was meant to go that He would make me ready and prepare my heart! And that He did! So much has been going on and I feel like I haven't has sufficient time to minister the way I want to, but absolutely feel now that I will get that opportunity to poor out the Love of God the the many people I will encounter! I never got to live with the old woman, but I did visit her often and bought her a radio so she could listen to sermons on Sundays. I have no Idea what God has in sore for me this coming season, but I definitely feel it will be to learn more so how to go with the flow! I have been very tired the past couple of days because God Woke me at 2:40am to pray so I did for the rest of the night. Then woke me up early this morning as well. We have a new member on our team joining from the Mateo 5:16 ministries named Addison. I am not sure what tomorrow will look like. Saying goodbye to all the kids. Full of lots of tears I am sure! God is good and I only want to do His will! Please continue praying for my health and the teams safety. Please also be praying for Mateo 5:16 ministries because they are not happy to see me go. They were hoping I would hear from God to stay with them and here at the ministry, but I have just not heard that yet. I am struggling with feeling a little bit of pressure because of that, but I will be having a chat with them as soon as possible! I love and Miss you all my family and Sorry if I am leaving anything out! My brain is way to scattered at the moment.
Blessings to you all! Happy Holidays. Sorry this was such a short update!
Love, Rachael Michelle
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
The Place I Want To Call Home.
I thought I might use this blog to tell you all about the kids here at the base and the current state of the country.
Right now the ministry takes care of 7 girls and 2 boys. The girls are Flor who is 17 years old, Raquel and Patricia who are both 16, Maria who is 11, Stacey and Emy who are both 9, and Elieta who is 8. The boys are Samuel 12, and Moses 6. I have been able to hear some of the stories of the kids and they are literally heartbreaking. Stories like Flor and Samuel's, who are siblings and also both products of rape by there mothers father. Their entire life they have been teased and tossed around used for Sexual favors until they were brought to this ministry. Samuel was taught by the time he was 7 years of age how to smoke, drink, fight, do very perverted things to women, and many other horrible things. Samuel and Flor both have learning problems and are very insecure. Emy is from the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua and was used for sex between all of the males in her family from the time she was 4 until she was brought here when she was 8. Almost every child’s story is like this or similar (some not at horrific). It is completely heartbreaking. This country is full of Children (who are supposed to be the parents) taking care of children. The people here are stuck in a cycle of abuse, men abandoning their families and having many families at once. It is very similar to African families. I have been praying a lot that God would cleanse this nation that He would wash over this nation, that purity will be restored to this nation! God gave me a revelation about the purpose in creating different ethnic groups and cultures in the world. He says we are all created in His image. So doesn't that apply to cultures and ethnic groups as well? God created the Latino people to be very loving and family oriented and touchy-feely people, but through sin, what was created for good and to be an example of the love and affection of Father God was perverted and now the Latino culture is considered one of the most sexual cultures in the world. I have been interceding a lot for the direction God wants me to take. He called me here for a purpose and slowly I have been learning what that purpose is. I know I will be back here in this country again learning to Love in a way that God would Love. I was very quickly surprised at how God has really used me to bring His guidance and wisdom to a ministry that has been around for a very long time. If we let him He will use in many ways!
One thing I find is very difficult to remember in a place like this is to thank God for the little things. Thank Him for the things going on in front of you instead of being discouraged with all the heart ache going on around you. I think that is why “stopping for the one” is so important because we are not God and if we look at the big picture all the time it is very easy to become discouraged and even give up! He really is doing some amazing things here. “Do not despise the day of small beginnings” seems to be a reoccurring theme here. Please be praying for more up right Godly male role models to impact this country. They are so needed and could really make an impact on this country.
I got a new. One of my team members who arrived here early from England. Her name is Susie she is a very sweet women and I am so thankful to have her here with me praying and interceding. Last night (November 22, 2011) we had Church, which is normally on Wednesday nights, And Holy Spirit fell! Praise Jesus. That is what I have been praying for in this church since my first Sunday here! People were really touched!
I learned last night that I have become famous here in Diriamba. Apparently when Juanita my house mom went out to the Market. Some drunk men were asking about me! I am not sure what to think of this news! I think I am just going to take it as an opportunity to minister! Thank you Jesus! Haha. I also learned my team should be arriving tomorrow afternoon! I am a little embarrassed to say when I heard this news I wanted to cry! I in one way am so excited to see my team members, but in another way heart broken because I have to leave my family and new home. Please be praying that this transition is as pain free as possible! Just thinking about leaving them now is so painful. What was meant to be a week turned into 3. So by the time I leave here It will have been here a month, a month that feels more like a year! Lynne and Glen Schweitzer the founders of this ministry have already told me that I am welcome at any point God calls me here to stay and work with them in this ministry! Which is a huge honor to be so welcomed and wanted. I know God is calling me back to this place. I just need confirmation in the timing. Please pray with me about this issue. For it is one very, very dear to my heart! The relationships I have made here are irreplaceable! As well as the things I have learned about myself and what God created me for! At the moment the ministry is looking for a substitute house mother so Juanita, the current house mom, can take a break! They are really praying for a married couple so that the boys will have a male role model at the base!
All in all everything is well. Please be praying for my health has I have had a lot of stomach pain, especially in the morning. Also have been very tired and drowsy from all the carbohydrates and lack of green foods.
I wanted to add the weather here is immaculate! Seriously there is always the most beautiful breeze and the heat is never over barring!
I love you all so much and am so thankful for each and everyone of you! All you North Americans have a blessed Thanksgiving and always remember the significance of the date rather than just eating and sleeping. I urge all of you to really press into the him this November 24 and realize what you have to be thankful for! Which is a lot!
Many blessings to all of you!
Rachael Michelle
Zechariah 4:6 -Then he answered and spoke unto me, saying, This is the word of Jehovah unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith Jehovah of hosts.
P.S. I will have many pictures up soon! I promise!
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Two Weeks Down and More At Home Than Ever!
Since I am able at the moment I am writing another Blog.
First, I miss you all so much and am so thankful for your prayers and support the past few weeks I pray God blesses you so much in return. There has been a lot going on here in Nicaragua. The kids here at the Lakinta base where I am staying, in the village of Diriamba, have grown very attached to me and I to them. I love them so much and I am trying very hard not to think about when I have to leave. I got the opportunity to teach them the “Shackles dance” with a few of my own changes. They loved it especially the older ones, to my surprise. They loved learning a new dance and I am just happy it was difficult for them because I was afraid it might be to easy!
The older boys (16-20 years old) who lived here at the base were asked to leave to go back to the families they do have because Juanita is the only women living here taking care of everyone and it was to difficult (initially this base was supposed to be a base just for children not the youth). It has been a very sad last couple of days because of that.
Also please join with me in prayer for the church here on the base. God has really placed it on my heart and it has been through some major problems. There are a lot of changes happening and the community is not adjusting to them. A new pastor, Pastor Manuel and his wife Elesia, have been placed in charge because the previous one caused a lot of conflict in the ministry and the village. However, the community do not want to submit to the new pastor and his wife, especially the youth. This past Sunday Pastor Manuel asked me to preach. At first I said I didn't think it was a good idea, but it didn't take long for God to remind me of the promise He has given me. So I went back to him and said yes. There wasn't huge shift in the atmosphere, no one got healed, and no one was rolling on the floor after I preached, the time I had to share what was on my heart I believe was really for me. I was nervous, but the entire time I was on that stage I could feel God with me and I knew this was only the beginning.
Since I have been here God has given me many dreams about Nicaragua and this ministry in particular. Because of this I have gotten the opportunity to poor into the founders Lynne and Glen who in return, for the time being, have become mentors to me as well as asking for my help in important matters. They have prophesied many incredible things over me and have lifted me up in a major way. I am so blessed and humbled to be here.
Communication is actually getting a lot better! I can understand most of what people are saying to me. Still can not say that much, but definitely more than when I got here and more than I would have learned if I was just around people who speak English all the time! I play lots of Futbol (soccer) with the youth in the village. I found my spot as goal keeper I am actually not bad! I have grown very close to one girl Patricia who is 16 she is so cute and I have really been able to poor into her and she into me. At first we never understood each other, but through the grace of God we can actually communicate pretty well. It takes a while, but we get there. I took here for Ice cream in Jinotepe (which is where the Hotel Mateo, the hotel rented out by the ministry, is. It is about a mile walk and then a 20 min micro-bus ride from where I am staying in Diriamba) and one of the Sundae's on the menu was called ARCO IRIS! Haha I tried to take a picture but it was to far away. I am eating a lot of rice and beans about the same as African rice and beans. However I also get lots of other foods like potato, plantains, homemade tortillas, I got pineapple this morning! I was so excited. However, I did have some of the water on accident a few times and got to feeling pretty sick, but as of today I don't feel so bad! Praise Jesus! I contacted some of you to pray! And I am feeling it!
This country needs a lot of prayer its President Daniel Ortega is a dictator. The elections were just last week and many riots broke out when it was found out he cheated his way into being re-elected. His wife is a professed witch and has brought many other witches into the country to be in her coven. She has bribed many churches with money into hanging up campaign flyers covered with witchcraft. Hope has left almost all of what I have seen of Nicaragua. Especially the youth. There is some crazy statistic here that says 75% of the population is under 35years of age. So there is a lot of hopeless and dreamless people.
Many people come to Nicaragua to help, but they just give and give only making the spirit of greed and lust even bigger. God has shown me how important it is to rely on His strategies when going into countries like this. The people do not need more stuff. They need God, but have yet to see it.
I am definitely missing my church and especially worship! The worship here is basically 2 girls on stage singing songs in Spanish I have never heard without instruments. It is a difficult adjustment.
Thank you again for all your prayers and support may God bless you 100 fold!
-Rachael Michelle
Monday, 7 November 2011
The First Week.
Friday, 4 November 2011
This will be very short. Not much Time.
I have my own room and toilet. And God is really teaching me a lot. I wake up every morning to a sheep named Princess at my door and very loud parrots tyrying to talk. Please continue to pray as I am figuring out what God has for me and my time here. I fixed a sewing maching this morning, and am going to the market in a bit. I will try and get pictures up if I ever get internet working on my computer!
Love you all and miss you lots and lots!
Rachael Michelle
Thursday, 20 October 2011
God is Doing Some Amazing Things With My team In Mexico !

Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Here Are some Videos My Team Has Already posted of there Journey So Far!
Monday, 26 September 2011
How to Support me!
Monday, 19 September 2011
Hello everyone!